Download, installation, registration and activation
Choose the right download from the axaio software website according to your OS version (Macintosh or Windows) and InDesign version (e.g. Adobe InDesign 2022).
Run the installation program for MadeToTag and follow the instructions.
Macintosh version
Double-click on the .pkg file to start the installation. Follow the instructions of the installer program.
- The folder axaio software containing the MadeToTag plug-in is located in the Adobe InDesign Plug-Ins folder.
- MadeToTag’s temporary files are located under <User name>/Library/Preferences/axaio software/Adobe InDesign 17/MadeToTag/temp.
- The documentation for MadeToTag is stored in the Users Directory under <User name>/Documents/axaio software documentation/MadeToTag InDesign/English.
Windows version
Unzip the downloaded package and run the contained .exe application. Follow the instructions of the installer program.
- The folder axaio software containing the MadeToTag plug-in is located in the program directory, for example C:\Program Files\Adobe InDesign 2022\Plug-Ins.
- Temporary files generated by MadeToTag are located in %APPDATA%\axaio software\Adobe InDesign 17\MadeToTag\temp.
- The documentation for MadeToTag can be found in Documents\axaio software documentation\MadeToTag InDesign\English.
Registration / activation
You can test the full version of MadeToTag for 30 days after registration.
If you have purchased a license for MadeToTag, you will receive a registration card featuring a serial number and a keycode.
To activate the product, enter your name, company and the 24-digit keycode in the registration dialog.
You can access information about the registration, license and version of MadeToTag in the Help menu by clicking About Plug-Ins.
Keep your activation code in a safe place, and do not forget to e-mail or fax a copy of your completed registration card to axaio software. Only registered customers are entitled to updates and technical support.
Uninstall MadeToTag
on Macintosh:
To uninstall MadeToTag from your Mac, you need to remove MadeToTag.InDesignPlugin and pdfToolboxSDK from the axaio software folder. If you do not have any other axaio products installed, you can delete the entire axaio software folder. The axaio software folder is located in the programs directory, for example under /Applications/Adobe InDesign 2022/Plug-Ins.
on Windows:
To uninstall MadeToTag from your PC, you need to remove MadeToTag.InDesignPlugin, pdfToolboxSDK and (MadeToTag Resources) from the axaio software folder. If you do not have any other axaio products installed, you can delete the entire axaio software folder. The axaio software folder is located in the program directory, for example under C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign 2022\Plug-Ins.
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