How is the MadeToTag window structured?

For most purposes, the window is divided into a number of zones:

  1. The upper section allows the user to move from Tasks 1 to 7 (Previous, Next) and can access the Instructions at the touch of a button to get help with individual steps whenever they need it.
  2. Depending on the currently selected Task, the second section shows a Status overview of the assigned tags.
  3. The third section shows the functions for the currently active Task. For more on this, see Task 1  Define and review export tags).
  4. Under Locate potential problems, the user can access a list of functions for finding and resolving potential problems. For more on this, see “Resolve problems” for accessible PDFs).
  5. The flyout menu opens a list of all important functions which can also be executed using keyboard commands. For more on this, see Work faster with keyboard commands/the flyout menu.


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