Task 2: Structure content into articles

Particularly in layouts using multiple columns, freely placed images and graphics, and margin columns, it is not always possible to automatically assign a sensible reading order.

A coherent document structure is necessary to provide the correct reading order. This can be achieved in Adobe InDesign by assigning articles.

Assign articles in Adobe InDesign

When setting up the article structure, it makes sense to show the AdobeInDesign article list and attach it to the MadeToTag window.

  1. Initially, no articles are shown in the InDesign article interface.
  2. The Status section also shows a value of 0 for all fields (Number of stories and images with sub-categories; Frames in more than one article).

First, the user selects the frame which logically comes first.

The active frame can be assigned to a newly created article using the Link frame to: New article option in MadeToTag.

For the name of the article, the tool will automatically provide the first few words within the frame or “Article 1/2/etc.” for frames without text. You can also specify a custom name.

Using the arrow under Go to next frame not yet in any article in MadeToTag, you can find the next frame which has not yet been linked with an article.

When further processing the document, you can decide whether a frame belongs to a New article or a Current article.

The InDesign article interface displays a parallel view of which frames belong to an article and how they are ordered. Here, you can rearrange the hierarchy and order as desired.

View article assignments

MadeToTag offers a range of options for viewing current article assignments.

The tool can show or hide corresponding frames using the Show frames options.

The user can display the following variants:
1. frames in the current article; 2. frames not assigned to the current article; 3. frames not assigned to any article as well as 4. all frames.

*Aufgabe 2- Inhalt in Artikeln strukturieren_ENGLISH.indd @ 55 % [Überdruckenvorschau]

Article preview

The Preview option provides a detailed overview of the text and article structure.

The preview allows you to view the Current article or All articles.

  1. The gray bars on the left show which elements belong to the document, the current article and the current section.
  2. The structure displays the text order and how each text element is assigned to individual structural elements such as “H1-H6”, “P” and lists.
  3. You can clearly see whether individual items in lists have been correctly nested.
  4. Embedded graphics are also shown in their properly ordered place within the article.

Many tasks associated with assigning articles can also be executed using keyboard shortcuts. For more on this, see Work faster with keyboard commands/the flyout menu.


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