“Troubleshooting” for accessible PDFs
At the bottom of the MadeToTag window, the user can access a drop-down list of options for locating and resolving problems.

MadeToTag can locate problems which prevent straightforward creation of accessible PDF files.
Select a function and click Execute to open the corresponding dialog.
[If MadeToTag finds no problems of the selected type, it will report back with a window saying No problems found.]
Locate hard returns

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Looking for hard returns.
- The window shows the Number of potential hard returns as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate faux hyphens

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Find faux-hyphens.
- The window shows the Number of potential faux hyphens as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate missing alternate text

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Locate missing alternate text.
- The window shows the Number of objects without alternate text as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The text box lets you enter alternate text for selected images.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate objects not assigned to any article

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Find unassigned articles.
- The window shows the Number of unassigned articles as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate paragraph styles without role

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Find paragraph styles not mapped (paragraph style with no export tag assigned).
- The window shows the Number of paragraph styles not mapped as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate uses of basic paragraph style

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Find basic paragraph styles.
- The window shows the Number of basic paragraph styles as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate empty paragraphs

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Find empty paragraphs.
- The window shows the Number of empty paragraphs as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate faux lists

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Find faux lists.
- The window shows the Number of faux lists as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- For each item found, you can either create a new paragraph style or use a paragraph style from the list of styles already in use.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate faux numbered lists

When this function is called, the Find faux list window will open.
In the drop-down menu you can select which list type to search for.

Click OK to open the Find faux numeric lists menu.
- The window shows the Number of faux lists as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- For each item found, you can either create a new paragraph style or use a paragraph style from the list of styles already in use.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate paragraphs without style

When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at Find paragraphs with no stylesheet assigned.
- The window shows the Number of paragraphs with no stylesheet assigned as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Locate insufficient visual contrast

Insufficient contrast makes it harder for readers with visual impairments to identify content. An example of insufficient visual contrast would be light gray text on a white background.
When this function is called, the MadeToTag Problem Locator window will open at ContrastChecker.
- The window shows the Number of objects with insufficient visual contrast as well as the number of Fixed and Unfixed items.
- The interface at the bottom allows you to navigate, Fix items, Undo and Redo actions and close the window.
Set export tag as prefix to paragraph style

Select Set export tag as prefix to paragraph style and click Execute…

… to add export tags as a prefix which will be either assigned directly through the paragraph style or through MadeToTag.
Meta data and alternate text review

Select Meta data and alternate text review and click Execute…
![*Untitled-3 @ 85% [Converted]](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/004/553/327/original/825c1fa5-c48a-4b9d-bd5d-25060f3c8ef6.png)
… to see an overview of the meta data in the document and alternate text for imagesin a new InDesign document.

The JavaScript… entry lets you execute an example script or integrate and execute a user-defined JavaScript for user-specific actions.
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